Tiananmen in China

AP Chinese Language and Culture

The Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture exam is a challenging test that assesses a student's proficiency in Chinese language and culture. Scoring well on this exam not only demonstrates the student's language skills but also increases their chance for acceptance and scholarship at the university of their choice.

The AP Chinese exam consists of a multiple-choice section to test listening and reading and a free-response section for writing and speaking. The exam is about 2 hours and 15 minutes long. It tests Mandarin communication skills and knowledge of Chinese culture. The AP Chinese course has the highest 5 score out of all AP subjects. If the grade is 3 or higher, the student passes the exam.

KellynKai offers highly effective 1 to 1 live classes to help students fully prepare for the exam. We work with students from all backgrounds. We have tutored non-Mandarin bilingual students to attain a perfect score of 5 on the AP Chinese exam.

  1. Personalized Instruction: We offer personalized attention to identify the student's strengths and weaknesses and tailor classes to their specific needs.
  2. Advanced Vocabulary: Students learn and practice using advanced vocabulary for reading, listening and making sentences. A strong vocabulary base is the foundation for performing highly in both sections of the AP Chinese exam. KellynKai provides a personalized mobile flashcard app to help the student retain new words between classes.
  3. Speaking and Listening Practice: Language fluency is a key component of the AP Chinese exam. We engage students in conversation and listening exercises to enhance their speaking and listening skills up to the AP Chinese level.
  4. Cultural Insights: We provide cultural insights that are crucial for the AP Chinese exam. Understanding Chinese culture, history, and current events can significantly improve student's performance for the cultural aspects of the test.
  5. Comprehensive Exam Preparation: We cover all sections of the AP Chinese exam, from listening and speaking to reading and writing. We share exam strategies and we use real exam questions and practice tests to help our students feel confident on test day.
  6. Encouraging Questions: We foster an environment where our students are encouraged to inquire and express questions, aiming for their complete engagement and utmost comfort during their tutoring sessions.

Don't let the AP Chinese exam intimidate your student. With our dedicated tutoring service, they will have the guidance and support they need to succeed.

Embark on your child's journey to AP Chinese excellence today! Contact us to schedule their first tutoring session and open the door to a world of Chinese language, culture, and opportunity.

Taking the HSK? We also offer tutoring for the Chinese Proficiency Test.