Register for Orientation


This program connects high school students with Silicon Valley technology startups, providing them with mentorship opportunities to explore diverse roles within the companies. The program seeks to inspire students to choose college majors or career paths in technology and entrepreneurship. The mentorship experience is designed to assist them not only in crafting compelling essays for college applications but also in fostering skills that are essential for future career success.


An end to end online tutoring platform with a classroom app, a scheduling schedule and a mobile flashcard app.
AI Tutor
A fun and engaging AI tutor that can deliver Mandarin classes.
An enterprise alternative to WhatsApp and Slack for organizations that want their own private messaging servers.
Support Hands
A mobile app that connects volunteers with homeless people in their area to offer friendship and support.

Program Details

The High School Student Internship Program provides a unique opportunity for advanced and motivated students to work and learn from a Silicon Valley Technology Startup.

It is a six-week program that provides high school students with mentorship from the startup founder. Participants work on projects in a wide variety of roles, including Project Manager, Software Engineer, Quality Control Engineer, Market Researcher, Business Operation Analyst, and Digital Marketing Specialist. Participants spend two weeks learning and exploring different positions and choose one or two to focus on over the remaining four weeks. The students are deployed into real world existing projects within the startup.

The summer program is open to high school students that are graduating from grades 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Each internship is under the close guidance of a mentor with daily one-on-one or small group meetings. The exact summer work schedule has some flexibility and can be arranged with mentors.

This internship program is an excellent pre-college experience.

The tuition is $1,850 and the enrollment deadline is May 31st. Enroll before March 31st to receive a 10% discount. Enroll before April 30th to receive a 5% discount.

By enrolling in the High School Internship Program, the students and their guardians agree to sign the Confidential Information Agreement provided by the startup.

Let us know if you'll be attending the orientation!
